Definitely needing to vent... or something. Not really sure. I've had, for lack of better word, a very - overwhelming - week. Well, two weeks. It started about a week and a half ago.
I made the decision to go back to school. I always thought that I would go back for accounting or bookkeeping or something like that, but I've recently embraced a love for baking and admitted a desire to open a bakery at some point - so I decided to go back to school and get a degree in business. My work will pay for it, so why not?
So I send off my application and receive an acceptance letter in the mail it will be 2 weeks ago Wednesday. It says to contact the office to set up details for registration. So I call, and in order to get in the Monday night classes (the only nights I have available) I will need to register TOMORROW and classes will start a week from the following Monday. That would be today for those of you who do not follow well. ha.
If the mere effort of going back to school was not bad enough, the week and a half to prepare, do the online orientation, wait for user name and passwords for emails so I can receive my syllabus, trying to track down text books in the midst of working two jobs (off season of the third) was insane. I end of getting the syllabus Saturday - as in two days ago - and guess what, we were to have read 4 chapters and have several exercises done for this class. Yep, all in a book I did not yet have. Are you overwhelmed yet? I'm not done...
It is January. My second job is at my family's christian bookstore. That is retail. Therefore we are trying to get all of our end of the year things done: inventory, liabilities, W2s, 940s, 941s, all the bank rec's done and credit card statements balanced - and all of this done before my mother gets into town... oh yeah, that was TODAY too. In case you were wondering, THAT in and of itself is a whole 'nother level of anxiety.
How 'bout now? feeling the pressure? I'm just warming up... Last Friday on my way home from work, I was stopped waiting to turn into my subdivision. The car coming up behind me was not paying a lick of attention and plowed into me. Totaled both of our cars. It ended up being friends of some people from my church, so I got the story later and she admits that they were discussing an incident that had happened just prior to the accident and she was not watching the road. She admits to going 50 mph - riiiiight. There are at least 25 feet of skid marks on the road and she still hit me hard enough to total both of our vehicles, put me in a neck brace for days, I'm still on muscle relaxers and don't know what I'm going to do when the run out in 3 days. So I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do about a car since my beautiful 03 Hyundai Elantra was paid for, LOVING the rental, HATING the gas mileage and really can't afford a car payment right now....
Did I mention that the $$ for Greece was due this week? and I started school this week?? Work is paying for but is tuition reimbursement so I have to somehow come up with the first few classes up front. Are you starting to feel it? That tightening in your chest? The pounding in your head? The ache at the base of the skull? The tensing up in the neck and shoulders - oh wait - that's whiplash... Hold on there's more ...
My roommate mysteriously comes down with some kind of infection and has been hospitalized for days. They don't know where it came from, but are trying to treat it with IV antibiotics and just keep telling her a couple more days, then a couple more days. It's been 4.... maybe 5 already. The glands and/or lymph nodes on and around her face and eye are swollen so they are making sure it will not spread being so close to her brain and all.
Then my best friend has surgery to remove a tumor in her hip. Not anthing too terribly alarming, but when this extremely busy friend who I practically have to BEG to spend time with says, lets do dinner tonight - after having a tumor removed from her leg and knowing that there has been enough time to have a pathology report sent back and knowing that she has suffered through cancer before.... that was a very anxious few hours I can tell you that! She is fine though, thanks be to God! They removed the tumor and she seems to be doing very well. She can walk now with no pain (except from the actual surgery of course).
Oh yeah, how can I forget that earlier this month (okay so this particular instance does not fit into this 2 week thing, but still!!) my sister got married and moved to friggin CALIFORNIA!! I've never met the guy, and I didn't get to come to the ceremony. They did a courthouse thing and plan to do a bigger ceremony later, but still!!! *sigh* now she's allllllll the way in California!!!
*deep breath* I think that about sums it up for now. I'm sure there is something I'm forgetting. I could talk about the MORONS that I've been grouped with in class tonight, but I suddenly don't have the energy. I've been running on about 395 cylinders today since 7am - it's now after 1am and I'm absolutely, slap worn out and I'm so sore. I've got to get some muscle relaxers in me and get to bed. Asta....