What to say? Mother's Day is always tough. No, I have not lost a child - although I feel the pain of the close friends who deal with that loss so much more today than any other. No, my mother has not passed away - although, again, I mourn with friends whose grief on this day is crippling to have lost a mother too soon. Today, I mourn what could have been, what should have been, what simply wasn't. I can't help but feel the pangs of jealousy, especially today, when I see whole, loving families interacting and celebrating. It makes me sad to know that I cannot bring myself to buy anything but a humorous card for my mother... a sentimental one will just not do.
I have to stop and say at this point that I do love my mother. It is hard, sometimes, to differentiate between who she is now and who she used to be...
Today, she is loving. Growing up, I never heard "I love you" unless we were in public. Today, she tries to be supportive. Growing up, she was always working late. Today, I have a hard time pointing to the positive because growing up there was too much negative to get through.
I don't want to get into the details. I know I should be thankful that today, mom is such a different person, and I am. It's just hard sometimes and especially today. A day when we celebrate who mom is. It's just something that I cannot do. There is too much pain, too much back story, just ... too much.
So... happy Mother's Day. Cherish what and who you have.
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