Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Book

Soo.... the long anticipated wait for my book "Captivating" has finally arrived. I read probably 50 or so pages while at work today already and can't wait to get back to it. I stopped reading at the chapter called "wounded" because I just felt as if a squalling session was in my future. Didn't really wanna do that in between collection calls - somehow, I don't think that would be okay with my boss, my co-workers, or my customers.

I really like it so far. If any woman reading this has not read it - I HIGHLY recommend it so far. Just over look the two references to the trinity and you are good.

I really liked how they reviewed the creation story. It was talking about how every great work of art or piece of music is a crescendo. It is building to the most important aspect. It made the reference that creation was building, each creature was more beautiful and complex than the last. Man was made in God's image, and yet His creation was not yet good - it was not until he made woman that creation was complete. It said that the world could not be complete until woman was made. How powerful is that? The book calls us "the crown of creation". How cool is that.

My favorite part so far is when they talk about the scripture when God decided to make Adam a companion. In the original text it is "ezer kenegdo". The book says that the Hebrew scholar Robert Alter says that this phrase is "notoriously difficult to translate". English words that some have used have been 'helper', 'companion', or 'help meet'. But it goes on to say that the word "ezer" has only been used in 20 other passages in the Old Testament, and each time the person being described was God himself, when you need Him to come through for you desperately. So Alter translates the phrase "sustainer beside him". So.. .by definition, we are made to be a lifesaver to man. We are needed that much. Wow... that is sooo powerful.

More to come in the future. Reading this book has been... well, it's just been an eye opener. At times I swear it's like they are taking the ramblings of my very soul and typing them out before my eyes to read. It's a comfort to know that what I feel is not uncommon. My therapist told me the other day not to worry that I was far from crazy and she will not have me admitted. HAHA... I can't help it - it's a fear. It's weird to feel ashamed for so many years about thoughts and feelings that go on in the privacy of your own mind, to learn in an instant that every woman deals with the same emotions and feelings at some point and on some level. wow. Kinds dumb struck at the moment.

Well, my bladder is about to bust, and I can't wait to get back to my book. Asta...

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