Thursday, May 15, 2008


I had my doctor's appointment today. Like anything else in my life, the Dr. Green said that my symptoms were rather unusual. ha! I explained to him that my chest pain is pretty much a constant pressure -- it does not increase or decrease. However, it does not bother me at night like waking me up during the night or causing me not to be able to go to sleep or get comfy ... and when I work out the pain is completely gone. Then after cooling down it slowly comes back.

We did an EKG to be safe, and no irregular heart beats or anything like that, which he and I both didn't think it was heart related; but I just wanted to be positive with heart problems in my family. Grammie's had 2 open heart surgeries and stints put in arteries in her heart and neck... mom's had a stint put in her heart and my Uncle Shorty had 4 put in (mom's brother). So... I don't want to mess around with my heart - I pretty much know it's coming unless I do something about it now. Which... I'm way proud to tell you about my blood work done today for the body age assessment there at work. ALL of my #s were fantastic. In fact, the woman who gave me my results was even shocked. Everything they had listed (hdl, ldl, glucose...whatever) was either well below or well above what was considered healthy... whichever they were supposed to be.

Anyhow, he told me that the #2 cause for chest pain is gastrointestinal issues, and since I have chrones, that is a likely culprit. Next choice would be stress and anxiety. So... he has scheduled me for blood work tomorrow, will be setting up an appointment with my GI doctor for the 12 month follow up visit from my surgery that I should have had a year ago (yes, I know, shame on me), he prescribed me something that is to control the acids in my stomach in case it is gastrointestinal to see if that helps. He also wrote a prescription for something for anxiety to have "just in case" he said. I won't take them though ... I would not have even filled the prescription except he wrote both meds on one Rx note. Grrr. I also have a follow up visit on Tuesday of next week to see if the meds have helped any.

So... that's where I'm at at this point. No answers, just more questions. Finally sat down with Hope and talked to her tonight.... and I do mean FOR REAL talked. She went through something similar when she was younger. She had lost her big brother and both sets of grandparents within a very short period of time and had a spell of nightmares and anxiety attacks. Then later after she had miscarriage went into the whole chest pains and panic attacks. She refused to take meds as well, and she made it out the other side.

Well, there's my quick update. I'm sooo tired, it's almost 1am, and I need to get up at 5:30 to get to the gym. I gotta hit the bed...

I'm out..........

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